The Land of Naderica
The Land of Naderica
alone together, around the world

About Us

NADER, نادر Nādir, a masculine name of Arabic origin, meaning "rare", "unique.”

ERICA, ˈɛrɪkə, a feminine name of Scandinavian origin, meaning "eternal ruler”, “ever powerful.” Also, a flower.

Welcome to The Land of Naderica, a travelogue of our adventures together.

As so-called “Third Culture Kids” raised in countries that didn’t match our parents’ ethnicity or nationality, we were exposed to a variety of cultural influences. Our eclectic upbringing has manifested itself as creativity (Nader is a designer and animator) and curiosity (Erica is a strategist and writer), which perhaps explains why we feel the need to document and understand the places we wander.

With our families spread across United States, Dubai, Jordan, Palestine, Taiwan and Vietnam, it’s important for us to create a sense of “home” together, wherever we are.

Thanks for following along.

Learn more about our creative work here: